
Combos infinitos de the king of fighters 2002 magic plus
Combos infinitos de the king of fighters 2002 magic plus

Can be canceled into from Vanessa's light & heavy crouching and standing normals.Vanessa slides low into opponent's legs for a soft knockdown.By itself, hits overhead knocks the opponent back gives the opponent a soft knockdown.First hit knockdowns down jumping opponents give the opponent a hard knockdown.Both hits cancel-able (when cancelled into).Can be canceled into by her standing and crouching normals easily.Vanessa throws 2 punches one down and one across.The opponent can button mash out of the hits and break the throw.Vanessa grabs the opponent then punches them in the stomach 3 times, then throws them towards the screen corner.The opponent lands a half-screen distance away. Vanessa grabs the opponent then uppercuts them.j.CD is a dropkick, good for air-to-ground approaches, corner pressure and can also cross-up.st.CD has good range and a nice angle to stop incoming hops.j.B, and j.D can low profile anti-aired by some characters cr.B's, sweeps and slides.Can cross up as well but more difficult can j.C j.D is Left downward hook, longer range than the C version good for air-to ground attacks and starting combos.j.C is a jumping right downward hook, her best air-to-ground, can cross up and is an instant overhead on all but tiny crouchers.j.B has slightly longer range and can be used as an air-to-air attack.j.A is a short range punch that has a sharp downward angle.cr.D hits low and sweeps the opponent.cr.C is a right uppercut that can be used as an anti-air.cr.B is a jab that hits low and can be chained to cr.A, st.A & st.cr.A can chain into itself 3 times, and can chain into cr.B, st.B & st.A.st.D hits twice and moves Vanessa forward slightly.st.C hits twice and can stop hops as well.

combos infinitos de the king of fighters 2002 magic plus

st.A/B are high aiming jabs that can stop hops.

combos infinitos de the king of fighters 2002 magic plus

  • st.A/B/C are special and command normal cancel-able, and is whiff cancel-able as well.
  • cl.A can be chained into itself 3 times then special or command normal cancelled, and can be chained to cl.B or cr.
  • cl.B is a right jab that is chain-able into itself and cr.A.
  • (optional cross-up or deep jump-in) cl.C, f+A, BC walk, cl.D, f+A(1) f,hcf+AC = 58% Gaia Gear - + Quick Starter Combo Reference 0 BarĬr.B, cr.B/cr.A, f+A(1), hcf+C(mash P) = 28% Puncher Weaving - + / Dash Puncher - + / Parrying Puncher - + / Puncher Vision (forward) - + / Puncher Vision (backward) - + / Puncher Vision (backward) - + / Upper - + Straight - + Weaving - + / Puncher Vision (forward) - + / Upper - + Straight - + Weaving - + / Machine Gun Puncher - + / (Mash for more hits)

    Combos infinitos de the king of fighters 2002 magic plus